
  • On September 29th, a party named “AIRDROP” dropped at The Bund in Shanghai. The initiator, N.APE, also from Xiamen, was the new media visual Cooperation Team of DevolutioN in 2017. The “AIRDROP”, a multi-media theater integrating visual arts, avant-garde music, performance arts, and fashion, was the official debut of a young team who aspires to bring new media art into the party scene. Moreover, it stretches the idea of “shared spirit”, mentioned by DevolutioN, in the aspect of the Internet era. The virtual architecture of DevolutioN, “The Towers of Shared Spirit”, gained its physical volume at “AIRDROP”. In DevolutioN’s first conception, the two slightly tilted digital media towers would be placed on the rooftop of the venue to impersonate a selfie background for the influencers by pretending to be a member of the skyscrapers at The Bund, serving as a place of worship for believers of phones, social media, skyscrapers, and neon lights. Unfortunately, the towers were moved indoor the day before opening due to security reasons.
    9月29日,一场名为"AIRDROP"的派对空投上海外滩。它的发起者N.APE顽猴同样来自厦门,他们曾是2017年"退化城市"的新媒体视觉合作团队。融合了先锋音乐、视觉艺术、行为及时装的多媒介剧场"AIRDROP",是这个不断尝试将新媒体艺术卷入派对浪潮的年轻团队在上海的首次正式亮相,它同时也将"退化城市"中提及的"共享精神"在互联网时代族群中做了进一步延伸。"退化城市"中的虚拟建筑"共享精神塔"在"AIRDROP"当晚有了现实体积,在 DevolutioN 退化建筑 最初的构想中,这两座略微倾斜的数字媒介塔将置于场馆天台,伪装成网红自拍背景---外滩高楼中的一员,供信仰手机、信仰社交、信仰高楼、信仰霓虹的都会信众们朝拜,但因开场前一天的临时安保原因撤入室内。