• It's DevolutioN to be Ontime!

  • After multiple times of collaboration with the OntimeShow in the past seasons, DevolutioN was invited to manage the venue upgrade for the show’s 10th season. The OntimeShow expanded from 1000 m² to a 25000 m² exhibition area that could hold 400 brands. Due to its great influence, the West Bund Art Center also became an important spot for the fashion industry’s communication every year in March and October. As its scale expands and needs diversify, the OnTimeShow hoped that the new exhibition venues could be more individualized for different brands.
    经历了前几季上海时装周与Ontimeshow不同程度的合作,今年"DevolutioN 退化建筑"受邀为这个迎来第十季的时装展览品牌进行整体的场馆升级规划。Ontimeshow在5年内从最早的1000平米扩增至25000平米、400个品牌的规模,其落户的上海徐汇滨江西岸场馆在每年3月与10月也已成为时装行业订货和交流的重要地标。但随着规模扩大和需求分化,Ontimeshow希望在原有基础上进一步满足不同类型品牌的细分需求。
  • We would like to optimize the exhibition area as well as to assist in the show’s role positioning in the fashion week through overall planning. Our work was roughly composed of three parts:
  • 1.Re-arrangement of floors and sections
    The OntimeShow takes place in multiple venues in which some are separated by roadways. The 2019AW show also opened up several new venues. Hence, we would like to adjust the outline of Venue A, a former large-scale airplane repair shop and which usually experiences the largest influx of people, to redistribute the flow of the crowd, increase the use of outdoor and rest areas and to improve connection and coherence between different venues.
  • 2.Booth section planning
    Adjust and re-plan the booth modules according to its area types and thus enhance the venue utilization. And provide booth design renderings to give references for young brands.
  • 3.Define brand characters.
    Enhance recognition and readability of the OnTimeShow with distinctive visual and exhibition content to make it more vivid and expressive. We also hope that in the future, the OnTimeShow can be more integrated with other forms of experiences at the West Bund to improve the sense of community.