• "Fresh" for Young Talents


  • In 2017 shanghai fashion week, fashion designer Shangguan Zhe, the Swiss artist group “SUPERMAFIA/ENCOR Studio” and DevolutioN collaborated to build a collapsed obelisk at the West Bund Art Center. The project, N38°53'21.35" W77°2'6.48", which integrated fashion, architecture, multimedia installation, and theater, was the beginning of the collaboration between DevolutioN and fashion brands. This year, we were invited by the OntimeShow to continue participating in the 2018 Shanghai Fashion Week as the concept designer for their new project “Young Talents”.
    2017年上海时装周"DevolutioN 退化建筑"与时装设计师上官喆、瑞士艺术家团体"SUPERMAFIA/ENCOR Studio"在西岸艺术中心合作建造了一座倒塌的方尖碑《N38°53'21.35" W77°2'6.48"》。它是一个综合了时装、建筑、多媒体装置和剧场的项目,也是"DevolutioN 退化建筑"也与时装品牌概念合作的开端。今年我们收到OntimeShow主办方邀请,作为OntimeShow的全新项目"Young Talents"展场的概念设计方,继续参与到2018年上海时装周。
  • “Young Talents” is an exhibition dedicated to blooming and creative designer brands aged within 3 years with pioneer concepts and designs. Hence, in addition to providing independent display areas for each selected brand, “Young Talents” also requires new retail concepts and design language to activate the entire exhibition area into an inspirational buyer store space.
    "Young Talents"是一个为年轻并富有创造力的设计师品牌提供的专门展区。入选品牌年龄需在三年之内,风格和理念上的敢于突破成规更是一个重要择选标准。所以"Young Talents"展场除了需要对主办方挑选出的品牌进行规划与整合,让每个品牌拥有独立的展示空间,更要求融入新型零售概念,结合艺术、科技、家居及生活方式,用独特的视角与设计语言让整个区域鲜活生动,使之成为一个有空间启发的开放的买手店形态。
  • As the corporative design team for the first season of “Young Talents”, we provided a “Fresh” environment by turning Area H of the OntimeShow into a “freezer” where different sections were separated by soft transparent PVC curtains. Aside from the brands by 10 young designers, the OntimeShow this time also included “Culture is the new currency”, an exhibition by PARAS, photographer Zhu Qian, and artist Paul (MHPD), as well as a new product show by the perfume brand ME Ft. WE and bag brand BAO LAB BY E.E.R.I. The exhibition ended when the 96-hour countdown board turned to zero.
    作为第一季"Young Talents"(OntimeShow 2018 AW)的合作设计团队,我们提供了一个"保鲜 Fresh"的"Young Talents"情境。OntimeShow的H区在上海时装周期间因此变成一个临时"冻库",人们在这个由软质透明的PVC帘隔挡的开放空间中穿行,去发现更多年轻新鲜的血液和设计观点。除了10个年轻设计师品牌之外,此次还加入了由PARAS携手摄影师朱骞与艺术家Paul (MHPD)带来的"Culture is the new currency 展览,以及香氛品牌ME Ft. WE和包袋品牌BAO LAB BY E.E.R.I带来的全新产品展。而整个展场在一块96小时倒计时牌归零时结束并拆除。